If you don't have Netlogger yet, click here and download the latest version.
There is now a Netlogger version for Windows 7 or Vista 64 bit, be sure to download the correct version.
Also you must run this version "As Administrator" each time you open it and when you install it.
For more information about installing on a Vista 32 bit machine go to:
And follow their instructions step by step.
Netlogger seems to work best when it is NOT installed into Program Files,
so make a new folder under Documents, name it "Netlogger"
and install it into that new folder. This pertains to ALL versions of Netlogger.
NOTE: Save the YLsystem.zip file to your hard drive and open the zip file, open the folder
You can always edit this file using Notepad then 'Save As' again into the .prf format.
After you have your Netlogger all set up and working, you can go
here to my netloggerhelp page for some helpful hints
or Extract All, and place the YLsystem.prf file in the same folder where your Netlogger.exe is.
You will see two other .prf files in that folder, along with the Netlogger.exe icon,
this will be the correct folder.
Or you can also edit it straight from your Netlogger program.
But please let me know of any new additions that I will need to update to this file.
Click Here to e-mail me
For a screen shot of Netlogger in action go here click here
on how to do things on Netlogger.